Jun 10, 2024



Feb 19, 2024



Nov 27, 2023


Oct 20, 2023


Aug 18, 2023


May 14, 2023


Apr 7, 2023


Mar 29, 2023


Mar 21, 2023



Mar 14, 2023


Jan 23, 2023


Dec 7, 2022



Sep 5, 2022


Sep 1, 2022


Aug 31, 2022



Aug 23, 2022


Aug 22, 2022


Jul 29, 2022



Jul 28, 2022


Jun 6, 2022


May 31, 2022


May 31, 2022


Apr 21, 2022


Feb 18, 2022


Jan 28, 2022



Nov 23, 2021



Sep 3, 2021


Aug 17, 2021


Aug 12, 2021


Jul 29, 2021


Jul 26, 2021


Jul 12, 2021


May 5, 2021


Apr 7, 2021



Mar 31, 2021



Jan 16, 2021



Jan 1, 2021


Jul 23, 2020



Jun 8, 2020



May 22, 2020


Jan 30, 2020


Jan 31, 2019


Jun 25, 2018


Jun 11, 2018


May 8, 2018


May 8, 2018


Mar 9, 2018



Jan 30, 2018



Jan 26, 2018



Nov 8, 2017



Aug 17, 2017



Aug 9, 2017


Aug 2, 2017


May 4, 2017


Jun 22, 2016


Jan 1, 2016


Sep 21, 2015


Aug 10, 2015


Jul 25, 2015


Jun 3, 2015


May 15, 2015


Apr 22, 2015


Feb 23, 2015


Jan 15, 2015


Jan 6, 2015


Nov 25, 2014


Jul 11, 2014


Apr 3, 2014


Jan 1, 2014



Dec 2, 2013


Oct 14, 2013


The Warden Lab is moving to the University of Arizona! I will serve as tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Translational Neuroscience.


"Extracellular vesicles incorporating retrovirus-like capsids for the enhanced packaging and systemic delivery of mRNA into neurons" published in Nature Biomedical Engineering.


"Ventromedial prefrontal parvalbumin neurons are necessary for initiating cued threat avoidance" published in eLife.


"Serotonin neurons in mating female mice are activated by male ejaculation" published in Current Biology.


"Ventromedial prefrontal parvalbumin neurons are necessary for initiating cued threat avoidance" preprint on bioRxiv.


"Serotonin neurons in mating female mice are activated by male ejaculation" preprint on bioRxiv.


"Coding of time with non-linear mixed selectivity in prefrontal cortex ensembles" preprint on bioRxiv.


Congratulations to Chelsea Strawder for being awarded an NSF GRFP!


"Dynamic changes to signal allocation rules in response to variable social environments in house mice" published in Communications Biology. Cornell Chronicle press release.


"Working memory control dynamics follow principles of spatial computing" published in Nature Communications.


Diala Noofoory and Ivan Kondratyev join the lab as rotation students. Welcome!


"Engineered retrovirus-like Arc extracellular vesicles for the in vivo targeted delivery of mRNA into the brain" preprint on bioRxiv.


"Reduced variability of bursting activity during working memory" published in Scientific Reports.


Kristine Kolkman joins the lab as a research associate. Welcome Kristine!


"Tonic activity in lateral habenula neurons acts as a neutral valence brake on reward-seeking behavior" published in Current Biology. Cornell Chronicle press release.


"Reproductive state switches the valence of male urinary pheromones in female mice" preprint on bioRxiv.


Lizemarie Cirone and Josh Wilson join the lab as rotation students. Welcome!


"Tonic activity in lateral habenula neurons acts as a neutral valence brake on reward-seeking behavior" in press at Current Biology.


Chelsea Strawder officially joins the lab for her Ph.D.!


Isabelle Towell, Veterinary Leadership Program summer student, arrives. Welcome Isabelle!


Cole Roland officially joins the lab for his Ph.D.!


Chelsea Strawder joins the lab as a rotation student. Welcome Chelsea!


New R01 from NIDA awarded!  "Neural circuit regulation of ramping activity in dopamine neurons"


"Reduced variability of bursting activity during working memory" preprint on bioRxiv.


"Dynamic changes to signal allocation rules in response to variable social environments in house mice" preprint on bioRxiv.


Congratulations to Eileen Troconis for successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis: "Female dorsal raphe serotonin responses to sexual stimulation"!


Raf Chociej joins the lab as an undergraduate student.  Welcome Raf!


Cole Roland joins the lab as a rotation student.  Welcome Cole!


Deepika Gupta joins the lab as a research assistant. Welcome Deepika!


Akash will start his postdoc in Feng Zhang's lab at MIT/Broad Institute in the fall. Congratulations!


New R01 from NIMH awarded! "Lateral habenula circuits for the regulation of goal-directed behavior"


Changwoo will start his postdoc in Catherine Dulac's lab at Harvard in the fall. Congratulations!


Yi-Yun will start her postdoc in Michael Halassa's lab at MIT in the fall. Congratulations!


Congratulations to Yi-Yun Ho for successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis: "The role of ventromedial prefrontal parvalbumin neurons in mediating proactive defensive responses"!


Congratulations to Akash Guru for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis: “Ramping activity in midbrain dopamine neurons signifies the use of a cognitive map”!


"Tonic activity in lateral habenula neurons promotes disengagement from reward-seeking behavior" preprint on bioRxiv.


"A Hot-Coal theory of Working Memory" preprint on bioRxiv.


Congratulations to Changwoo Seo for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis "Intense threat switches dorsal raphe serotonin system to a paradoxical operational mode"!


Congratulations to Ryan Post for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis: "Initiation and adaptive termination of goal-directed behavior"!  Ryan will start his postdoc in Nick Betley's lab at Penn in the fall.


"Ramping activity in midbrain dopamine neurons signifies the use of a cognitive map" preprint on bioRxiv.


"Quantitative analysis of 1300-nm three-photon calcium imaging in the mouse brain" published in eLife.


"Intense threat switches dorsal raphe serotonin neurons to a paradoxical operational mode" published in Science.


Wenchao receives a Mong Neurotechnology Fellowship.


Ryan receives a poster award at the Stress Neurobiology Workshop in Banff, Canada.


Mackenzie Lemieux receives the Mika Salpeter Prize for undergraduate research in Neurobiology.


Kasey Han receives the Robert Capranica Prize for undergraduate research in Neuroethology.


"Melancholy, anhedonia, apathy: the search for separable behaviors and neural circuits in depression" published in Current Opinion in Neurobiology.


Akash receives travel grants to attend Cosyne in Denver, Colorado and Computational Neuroscience of Prediction in Copenhagen, Denmark.


"Gamma and beta bursts during working memory readout suggest roles in its volitional control" published in Nature Communications.


"Hebbian Learning in a Random Network Captures Selectivity Properties of the Prefrontal Cortex" published in Journal of Neuroscience.


Changwoo and Akash receive travel fellowships to attend Neuromodulation of Neural Microcircuits in Lausanne and Geneva, Switzerland.


Dave receives a second NARSAD Young Investigator Grant.


Ryan, Yi-Yun, and Akash receive Mong Neurotechnology Fellowships.


Michelle Jin receives the Mika Salpeter Prize for undergraduate research in Neurobiology.


Dave and Changwoo receive Mong Neurotechnology Fellowships.


"Prefrontal cortical regulation of brainwide circuit dynamics and reward-related behavior" published in Science.


Melissa receives an NIH Director's New Innovator Award.


Dave receives a NARSAD Young Investigator Grant.


"Making Sense of Optogenetics" is published in International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology.


Yi-Yun receives a Study Abroad Scholarship from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan).


Melissa receives a Whitehall Foundation Research Grant.


Changwoo receives a Sigma Xi research grant.


Melissa receives an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship.


"In vivo optogenetic stimulation of the rodent central nervous system" published in Journal of Visualized Experiments.


"Daytime spikes in dopaminergic activity drive rapid mood-cycling in mice" published in Molecular Psychiatry.


Jungsoo, Andrew, and Changwoo win the Cornell Biotech Imaging Contest.


"Optical Neural Interfaces" published in the Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering.


Changwoo receives a Cornell Neurobiology and Behavior Student Research Grant in Animal Behavior.


"Progress in understanding mood disorders: optogenetic dissection of neural circuits" published in Genes, Brain and Behavior.


The Warden Lab officially opens its doors!


Melissa receives a NYSCF - Robertson Neuroscience Investigator award.


Melissa R. Warden, Ph.D.

Department of Neurobiology and Behavior

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

mrwarden [at] cornell.edu